译文 Mini-Mags
中译文 逃离
An Airline Suite
An Opera Suite
翻译者 Translators
中译文 逃离 Escape
Chen Shubo received her Ph.D. from the Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Science and now teaches English literature at Capital Normal University in Beijing. She is interested in the literatures of English-speaking countries, including British, American and Australian literature. She loves doing translations too, for both the power and inadequacy of languages.
飞行组曲2M版 An Airline Suite
Zhu Jiong-Qiang professor of English and American Literature, Honorary Dean of the Foreign Literature Studies Institute of Zhejiang University. He has published six books, including On John Keats, On Thomas Hardy, and A Glimpse of English, American and Australian Literature. He has translated quite a lot of English poems, novels, short stories and essays into Chinese, for example, An Anthology of Contemporary Australian Short Novels and Stories, An Anthology of Thomas Hardy’s Works, An Anthology of D. H. Lawrence’s Short Novels and Stories, The Eye of the Storm by Patrick White, and Selected Stories by Willa Cather. He has also published about 80 academic and critical articles and essays on English, American and Australian Literature and culture, both at home and abroad.
一位歌剧爱好者的札记 An Opera Suite
Wang Guo-fu, Professor of English and Hon. Chairman of the Australian Studies Centre, Soochow University, did his MA in Sydney University in 1979 and 1980. Later he visited Australia several times either as a visiting scholar or as a visiting fellow. His publications include The English-Chinese Dictionary of Australianisms, and Macquarie English-Chinese Bilingual Dictionary, A Dictionary of Australian Education, A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language, On 50 Classic English Novels (translations). He was awarded an ACC gold-plated medallion in 2008.
王国富 苏州大学英语教授,澳大利亚研究中心名誉主任,他1979-1980年在悉尼大学攻读硕士学位。后来他以访问学者或访问研究者的身份几次来澳洲访学。他的著作有《英汉澳大利亚语词典》,译著有《麦夸里英汉双解词典》、《澳大利亚教育词典》、《英语语法大全》、《英国古典小说50讲》。2008年他被授予澳中理事会奖章。